On-time Shipment Guarantee
On-time Shipment Guarantee

PZCart guarantees that your parcel shall arrive in time according to the method of shipping chosen. Should the parcel be late, you shall receive compensation as stated in the tabled below.

Air Shipment Compensation
Parcel arrives later than ETA date for 1 Day 20% of Shipping Fee
5 Days 50% of Shipping Fee
10 Days 100% of Shipping Fee
14 Days & above Compensated as Lost Parcel

Important Notes

  • On time guarantee shall not be applied for peak periods. (Inclusive but not limited to month of November, December and 30days before Chinese New Year)
  • Only working days shall be used for calculations of delays. (excluding Weekends & Public Holidays)
  • Delays caused by authoritative government departments (Police, Customs etc.) for routine checks and other reasons shall not qualify for compensation.
  • Delays caused by factors that are beyond PZCart's control. Inclusive but not limited to:
    • Natural disaster, severe weather conditions and acts of god (eg. earthquakes, haze, weather conditions etc.)
    • Routine check and other reasons by authoritative government departments (Police, Customs etc.)
    • Events and incident caused by other organisations contracted by PZCart (eg. flight, courier and delivery delay)