Shop process
Register a free account
Selecting goods/submit order
copy and paste product url from any china shipping website, click Buy for me, add into shopping cart.
1st Payment
PZCart will deduct your 1st payment from your prepaid account automatically when you check out shopping cart, or you can top up your account to make one-time payment.
Order process
Once you submit your order, we will purchase your goods in 24 hours, and update your order status immediately.
2nd Payment
When your order arrives at the Chinese warehouse inspection, you will receive the official information from PZCart, indicating that you can pay relevant fees for this package.
Arrange Shipping
When we confirm receipt of your second payment, we will ship the package to your destination immediately.
Confirm and Delivery
PZCart will contact you when your goods arrived Singapore. Once we received your delivery request, PZCart will delivery parcel to your home. You can earn points after you rate our service.